2024 BCS Summer Fine Arts Academies
Bartlett City Schools is offering several opportunities for students to engage with the arts this summer. Each academy will be offered for a limited time, and students are responsible for their own transportation. All academies are staffed by BCS fine arts teachers.
Find out more below about our academies, including arts disciplines, dates/times, and applications:
Visual Arts Academy
(for students in grades 6-9 for the 24-25 school year)
June 17-20, 8 am-noon daily
Bartlett High School
Click here for the academy application (applications may be turned in to the school's art teacher by Thursday, May 16 or emailed to Brad Foust, Fine Arts Supervisor by Friday, May 24: bfoust@bartlettschools.org)
Orchestra Academy
July 15-18- Bartlett High School
Middle school students- 8 am-noon daily
High school students (at least one year of experience)- 1-5 pm daily
Click here for the application (due by Friday, May 24)
Media Arts Academy
(for students in grades 7-12 in the 24-25 school year)
July 15-18, 9 am-noon daily
Bartlett High School
Click here to register (due by Friday, May 10)
Choir Academy
(for students in grades 6-9 for the 24-25 school year)
July 22-25, 9 am-noon daily
Bon Lin Middle School
Click here for the application (due by Friday, May 24)
Middle School Band Academy
July 8-13, 4:30-8:30 pm daily
Bon Lin Middle School
By invitation only to pre-registered band students
Email Brad Foust for more details: bfoust@bartlettschools.org